
Drupal 8 verison of Raygun module

Primary LanguagePHP


Allows all errors and exceptions to be sent to Raygun.io so they are tracked on
their dashboard. For the full feature list see the feature list page on

Module features

* Simple one stop configuration screen
* No coding required
* Can take over the PHP error and exception handler to catch all errors
* hook_requirements() integration to ensure you have downloaded the Raygun4Php

Module requirements

* You have an API key for your application at Raygun.io
* PHP 5.3+
* You have downloaded the raygun4php library (found at
  https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4php) to your `sites/all/libraries`
  directory under a sub folder `raygun`.

  The directory should look like:

  -- raygun
  ---- RaygunClient.php
  ---- RaygunEnvironmentMessage.php