Raygun.io ========= Allows all errors and exceptions to be sent to Raygun.io so they are tracked on their dashboard. For the full feature list see the feature list page on http://raygun.io/features. Module features --------------- * Simple one stop configuration screen * No coding required * Can take over the PHP error and exception handler to catch all errors * hook_requirements() integration to ensure you have downloaded the Raygun4Php library Module requirements ------------------- * You have an API key for your application at Raygun.io * PHP 5.3+ * You have downloaded the raygun4php library (found at https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4php) to your `sites/all/libraries` directory under a sub folder `raygun`. The directory should look like: sites/all/libraries -- raygun ---- RaygunClient.php ---- RaygunEnvironmentMessage.php ...