
Python code to upload, download, delete the file in Azure blob

Primary LanguagePython

Azure Blob Operations

This repository will assist you in interacting with the Azure blob. i.e. Uploading, Downloading and Deleting a file in Azure. Before we start will those operations. A quick overview on how blob is created. There are various methods to do that, but the one discussed here is through azure cli az

Note: Make sure you have Azure cli installed [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli?view=azure-cli-latest]

  • Login to your Azure account via. command below
az login
  • Select a subscription which will be used to create a resource group
az account set --subscription `subscription_name`

Variables to replace


  • Create a resource group
az group create --name `resource_group` --location `location`

Variables to replace


location: e.g. northeurope

  • Create the storage account
az storage account create --name `storage_account` --resource-group `resource_group` \
--location `location` --sku Standard_RAGRS --kind StorageV2

Variables to replace



location: e.g. northeurope

Setup the environment

. ./setup-env.shß
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup three values in the environment


