
Two good sorting algorithms and their Big-O (Done)

  • MergeSort
  • QuickSort
  • BubbleSort

Basic data structure implementations & their Big-O complexities

  • Hashmap
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • DoubleEndedQueue Deque
  • Linked list
    • Reverse a linked list
    • Merge two sorted list
    • Palindrome linked list
  • Trees (n-ary, trie, heap)
    • Quad Tree
    • Inorder, pre, post order traversal
    • Maximum depth of a binary tree
    • Validate Binary search Tree
    • Convert sorted array to binary search tree

Object-Oriented Programming terminology

- Abstraction 
- Inheritance 
- Cohesion 
- Coupling

Collections and Math APIs

- Maps
- Lists
- Concurrency

Binary search

Graph traversal algorithms

- BFS 
- DFS 
- Shortest path algorithm like Dijkstra's

Powers of 2

Bit manipulation exercises

- Working with bit maps 
- Bit shifting

Recursion, backtracking, and memoization

- Reverse a number
- Pow (x,n)
- Fibonacci
- Merge 2 sorted lists
- Reverse linked list
- Search in a binary tree
- Time complexity & space complexity analysis

Review principles of basic discrete mathematics and statistics

Design Patterns

- Singleton
- Factory
- Fasade

Other Programs

- Best time to buy a stock
- Fibonacci series
- Longest palindromic substring

Design Problems


Here are some reference materials for you: ▪ ▪

For Problem Solving some channels: • (This guy I like really)

For System Design : • (Very Good) • (very good) • (This is list of videos) • ((Nice guy with decent videos on design) •

Leetcode has contests, mock interviews, company specific problems, top questions being asked and much else. This is definitely worth the money.