
Explore the COVID-19 data.

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Covid-19 data taken from nytimes repo https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data
Population data taken from https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/tables/2010-2019/counties/totals/co-est2019-annres-09.xlsx

Following Analysis based on Connecticut counties COVID-19 data till April 13th.

Summary Table

County Total Confirmed Cases Total Deaths Population cases per 0.1M deaths per 0.1M
Fairfield 6004 262 943332 636 28
New Haven 3358 135 854757 393 16
Hartford 2243 133 891720 252 15
Litchfield 446 24 180333 247 13
Middlesex 339 19 162436 209 12
New London 222 7 265206 84 3
Tolland 195 17 150721 129 11
Windham 83 1 116782 71 1
* Unknown 501 5 - - -

Summary Points

  • First case in Connecticut reported in Fairfield county on 2020-03-08.
  • Fairfield county has the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths.
  • Middlesex county has the lowest number of confirmed cases and deaths.
  • Population and cases are almost directly proportional.
  • Fairfield county has the highest cases and deaths per 0.1M.
  • Middlesex county has the lowest cases and deaths per 0.1M.