
This javascript library is lightweight.

Simply add class to input field and then create new validation object for a form.

How to use

<form name="form2" id="form2" class="rs-form">
	<div class=" test ">
		<input type="text" name="name" value="" class="">
	<div class=" test ">
		<input type="text" name="age"  value="" class="required numeric minlength-3 rs-me-head" >
	<div class="">
		<input type="text" name="email"  value="" class="required valid-email">
	<input type="submit" name="age">

And Then create validation object.

var validate = new Validate({
	"FormName" : 'form2',
	"ErrorLevel" : 0,

You can set callback

var validate = new Validate({
	"FormName" : 'form2',
	"ErrorLevel" : 0,
	callback : function() {
		alert('All things are correct.');


Reset your validation rules


Validation Rules

S.No Rules Purpuse
1 required Required
2 valid-email Valid Email
3 numeric Numeric Value only
4 float Float value only
5 minlength-2 Minimum lenght
6 maxlength-3 Max length
7 valid-filetype Check valid file
8 between-2-4 Field length
9 valid_url Valid url


S.No Property Type Purpuse
1 FormName string Name of form
2 ErrorLevel numeric Where we want to add error class
3 callback function Plugin will invode callback
4 validateHidden boolean Using this you can validate field include hidden or exclude hidden
5 RequiredMsg string You can change required msg
6 EmailMsg string You can change email msg
7 NumericMsg string You can change numeric value msg
8 FloatMsg string You can change float value msg
9 MinValueMsg string You can change min value msg
10 MaxValueMsg string You can change max value msg
11 ValidFileMsg string You can change valid file msg
12 BetweenMsg string You can change between value msg
13 AlphaNumericMsg string You can change alphanumeric value msg
14 ValidUrlMsg string You can change valid url msg