An IOT based project created using nodemcu , pulse sensor,breadboard and jumper wire as hardware.

Uploaded over internet using aurdino and can be accessed using IP address generated by while hardware is connected with usb to laptop.


The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. It acts as a pump for circulating oxygen and blood throughout the body, thus keeping the functionality of the body intact. A heartbeat can be defined as a two-part pumping action of the heart which occurs for almost a second. It is produced due to the contraction of the heart. When blood collects in upper chambers, the SA(Sino Atrial) node sends out an electrical signal which in turn causes the atria to contract. This contraction then pushes the blood through tricuspid and the mitral valves; this phase of the pumping system is called diastole. The next phase begins when the ventricles are completely filled with blood. The electrical signals generating from SA node reach the ventricle and cause them to contract. In today's scenario, health problems related to heart are very common. Heart diseases are one of the most important causes of death among men and women. It claims approximately 1 million deaths every year. Heart rate is a critical parameter in the functioning of the heart. Therefore heart rate monitoring is crucial in the study of heart performance and thereby maintaining heart health. This paper proposes a heart rate monitoring detection system using IoT. Nowadays treatment of most of the heart-related diseases requires continuous as well as long term monitoring. IoT is very useful in this aspect as it replaces the.. conventional monitoring systems with a more efficient scheme, by providing critical information regarding the condition of the patient accessible by the doctor. In addition, the nurses or the duty doctor available at the hospital can monitor the heart rate of the patient in the serial monitor through the real-time monitoring system.


  1. NodeMCU

  2. Pulse sensor

  3. HC-05 Bluetooth

  4. Jumper wires

  5. Bread board

  6. USB cable

  7. Laptop

    • NODE MCU: The NodeMCU (Node MicroController Unit) is an open source software and hardware development environment that is built around a very inexpensive System-on-a-Chip (SoC) called the ESP8266. image

    • PULSE SENSOR: It is an Open Source heart rate monitor which considered as a PPG device used to monitor the non-invasive heart rate. It measures the real- time heart beats and calculates BPM with the aid of algorithms implemented by Arduino. The normal operating voltage is +5V or +3.3V and current consumption of 4mA. The sensor has two sides, one side consists of an LED with an ambient light sensor and the other side contains circuitry which amplifies the signals and filters the noise. image

    • HC-05 BLUETOOTH: HC-05 is a serial port Protocol(SPP) designed for wireless serial connection setup. It was chosen for its ability to simplify the circuit design Send measured data to android application and due to its compatibility with the. In addition, it was chosen over HC-06 module because it has the ability to operate as both as master and slave modules rather than just a slave in the case of HC-06. TheHC-05 has six Pins, four of them are programmable input/output lines. While the three others, one is GND and the other is for VCC.

    • JUMPER WIRES: Jumper wires are simply wires that have connector pins at each end, allowing them to be used to connect two points to each other withot soldering. Jumper wires are typically used with breadboards and other prototyping tools in order to make it easy to change a circuit as needed.

    • BREAD BOARD: A breadboard is a solder less device for temporary prototype with electronics and test circuit designs. The breadboard has strips of the metal underneath the board and connect the holes on the top of the board.

    • USB cable: USB cable is used to connect computer to the Node Mcu board.

    • LAPTOP : For connecting heart rate monitor and displaying result.

Circuit diagram:-



  • A convenient all-in one solution.

  • You can quickly check your heart rate or start a training session without having to put on a separate chest strap.


  • Not necessarily accurate in sports where you move your hands vigorously or flex the muscles and tendons near your wrist.

  • Limited ability to accurately measure heart rate through dark or tattoed skin.

  • More likely to be worn incorrectly, either not tight enough or too tight.

Heart rate chart:-


Working model photo




An IoT-based human heartbeat rate monitoring and control system is developed. This system uses the capability of a heart pulse sensor for data acquisition. A humans heartbeat is captured as data signals and processed by the microcontroller. The processed data are transmitted to the IoT platform for further analytics and visualization. Experimental results obtained were found to be accurate as the system was able to sense and read the heartbeat rate of its user and transmits the sensed data via Bluetooth. From the results obtained, it was found that the healt condition is of fit if >50 and <60, average if >60 and <70, not fit if >80. Furthermore, this research paper presents an approach that is flexible, reliable, and confidential for a heartbeat rate monitoring and control system using sensor network and IoT technology. The implemented device can be deployed to the medical field to assist the medical practitioners to efficiently and reliably do their work without difficulties.