
Intro to git @ IIT Bombay

Primary LanguagePython


basic intro to git

git flow


Basic (Individual)

  1. Configure git

configure the user which will be used by git Of course you should use your name
git config --global user.name "Example Surname"
Same for the email address
git config --global user.email "your.email@gmail.com"
2. git clone [url]
3. git status
4. git add <filname> or git add .
5. git commit -m <message> and git commit -am <modified message>
6. git push
7. git pull vs git fetch
8. git log --filname
9. .gitignore

Advanced ( In a team)

  1. create a new branch git branch <branch-name>
    list all branches git branch
    switch to existing branch git checkout <branch-name>
    create a branch and switch to it git checkout -b <branch-name>
  2. Merge two branches
    git merge <source>:(SOURCE to target) (make sure to be on target)
  3. Remote


GitHub Issues

Samurai Tricks


  1. https://glfmn.github.io/gh-slides/
  2. https://github.com/k88hudson/git-flight-rules
  3. http://gitimmersion.com/lab_01.html
  4. How to Use Git/Github