Hi All,
naive.py is used for scraping "theShayna.com" which contains all links to many tutorials algorithms and concepts. You can find the output in out.txt
I am trying to build a good collection of all possible links available online which can help any aspiring coder to get help in any sort of online programming journey, ranging from solving a small assignment online to participating in big contest on various online judged contests.
Pull , comment , issue anything is welcome. And also do help me in building this into a huge dictionary which can help anyone and do drop a mail if you find this useful.
You can reach me at pandey.prashant6592@gmail.com
I will be adding more links in coming time.
1.Many Important DS and Algos Part 1
2.Many Important DS and Algos Part 2
3.Many Important DS and Algos Part 3
4.Small Pdf for Many,Many Algorithms
5.Algos, Concepts , Books , Notes etc from Kent Univ
6.All in one link (Links only)
7.Stanford Lectures on Trees,Graphs etc
10.Video Lectures on Important Algos
11.Very Selected and Important Topice
12.Codechef tutorial on graphs
17.Awesome Personal "All in one" blog Part 1
18.Awesome Personal "All in one" blog Part 2
19.Awesome Personal "All in one" blog Part 3
20.Awesome Personal "All in one" blog Part 4
21.Like ToDo list of ALgorithms (Not Free)
28.WikiPedia Divide and Conquer
29.Game Theory