
A fast, easy, dynamic programming language for beginners.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Zspie Lang

Zspie is a fast, easy, dynamic programming language for beginners. It has all the basic features most languages provide: expressions, variables, scopes, string, globals, if-else, for-loop, while-loop, functions. The compiler is written entirely in C which makes it really fast.


The project uses Cmake as it's build system.


  1. Clone the repo and cd into the project root directory.
git clone https://github.com/prashantrahul141/zspie && cd zspie
  1. Run cmake to create build files for your platform.

additionally you can provide -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={configuration} to build in Debug, Release configurations.

  1. Open/run your platform specific build files.
  • For Linux: just run make
  • For windows: Open Microsoft Visual Studio Solution file.

  • For OSX: Open XCode Solution file.

Using the compiler

You can either use the live repl


or pass a .zspie file

zspie main.zspie

Language documentation

File Extension

Zspie supports text files with zspie file extension. example: main.zspie

Hello, world!

A simple hello world program in Zspie:

print "Hello, World!";

Semi-colons at the end of every line is mandatory in Zspie.


Zspie has following datatypes


These can number literals which can be both integers and floating point numbers.

examples: 1, 2.5, 9


These are string literals defined inside "

examples: "Zspie", "Strings are easy"


These are boolean literals which can be either true or false.


Zspie has nulls, It can be defined using the null keyword. All uninitialized variables are given the value of null.


Zspie has following operators:

= - equals

- - Unary negation

and - logical AND

or - logical OR

! - logical NOT

+ - sum

- - difference

* - product

/ - division

== - is equals

!= - is not equals

> - is less than

>= - is less than or equals

> - is greater than

>= - is greater than or equals


Zspie has only one type of comment, single line comments, which can be defined using // at the beginning of a line.

// This is a comment.
// The Lexer completely ignores any line starting with //
// The Whole line is ignored.


Zspie has variables which can be defined using the let keyword without defining any data type, zspie can automatically detect datatype at runtime.

let a; // default value is null if nothing is assigned.
let b = 2; // numbers: both integers
let c = 2.5; // and floats
let d = "Strings are easy"; // strings
let e = true; // booleans


Zspie variables have scope like any other modern programming language.

let a = 1;
    let a = 2;
    print a; // 2
print a; // 1


Zspie has if else conditionals. It can be defined using the following syntax:

let a = 1;
if (a == 1) {
    print "A is infact 1";
} else {
    print "A is not 1";

While loop

while loops in zspie can be defined using the following syntax:

let a = 10;
while (a > 1) {
    print a;
    a = a - 1;

For loops

Zspie has support forfor loops (even though it is just syntatic sugar).

for(let i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
    print i;


Zspie have user defined functions, and ability to call them.

Function declaration

A function in zspie can be defined using the following syntax:

fn greet(name) {
    print "Hello " + name;

Calling functions

A function can be called using the following syntax:
