
A simple Python script to get movie download links from open directories

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Python script to get movie download links from open directories


This script gets movie/TV series download links from open directories on the web


It first scrapes Google search results, then goes to open directories and scrapes them. If a direct download link is found, it is added to the list of URLs.


For lazy people who can't search all the different websites to get download links.

Note: Author not intend any copyright violations. Please use at your own discretion.

How to use?

Clone the repo to local machine

In a command prompt or terminal window git clone https://github.com/prashantsengar/openMovieD.git

Or Download as ZIP from the above menu (Clone or Download) and extract the contents

Change to the directory

In a command prompt/terminal window cd openMovieDL

Install the requirements

In a command prompt/terminal window pip3 -r requirements.txt

Run the script

In a command prompt/terminal window python3 dl.py

Changes that can be made

  • Change the TLD in search(q, stop=20, tld='co.in') to your country TLD if you wish (.com if google.com, .co.uk etc)
  • Add websites that are not open directories and come in top search results in any(x in j for x in ['imdb','economictimes','news','money','businesstoday','indiatoday','ndtv','india','koimi'])

What next?

  • Create a config file for the changes
  • Search other search engines
  • Get complete info about the link