
Hapi authentication strategy for OpenID Connect

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


OpenID-Connect authentication plugin for hapi.


This plugin needs some configuration to discover and connect to the OIDC server:

  • discoverUrl: The discovery URL of your OIDC server
  • clientId: Client ID given by your OIDC server
  • clientSecret: Client secret given by your OIDC server
  • callbackUrl: The full URL that the server will call after the authorization process
  • [cookie]: Name of the cookie that will held the authentication. Defaults to hapi-oidc

Alternatively, you can manually setup your OIDC client by replacing the discover URL by:

  • issuer: URL of the issuer
  • authorization: Authorization endpoint
  • token: Token generation endpoint
  • userinfo: User infos endpoint
  • jwks: JWKS endpoint

When registering the oidc scheme, you'll need to configure the cookie settings if defaults do not suits you:

  • password=uuid4(),
  • [path='/']
  • [ttl= 3600 * 1000]
  • [encoding='iron']
  • [isSecure=true],
  • [clearInvalid=true]


const Hapi = require('hapi');
const uuid4 = require('uuid/v4');
const OIDC = require('hapi-oidc');

const routes = require('./routes');

const server = Hapi.server({
  port: 3000,

const init = async () => {
  await server.register([
      plugin: OIDC,
      options: {
        discoverUrl: 'https://oidc-server.com/oauth2/default',
        clientId: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
        clientSecret: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
        callbackUrl: 'https://my-server:3000/login_callback',

  server.auth.strategy('oidc', 'oidc', {
    password: uuid4(),

  await server.start();
  server.log(['info'], `Server running at: ${server.info.uri}`);


module.exports = server;