
randomly insert, edit or delete data from SQL table(s). Used in demo for real time apps.

Primary LanguagePHP



Randomly insert, update or delete data from SQL table(s). Used in demo for real time apps.

How to use

  • call Randomizer() with required parameters
  • assign an array of array with values that you want to insert or update (example below)
  • throw the randomize method with table name and the values array
// pass database config
$obj = new Randomizer("<hostname>", "<username>", "<password>", "<tablename>");

parameters are self-explanatory

// assign random values to columns
$values = array(
	'username' => array('Ram Prasad', 'Hari Gopal', 'Shyam Kesari'), 
	'datereg' => array('2012/01/11', '2013/01/11', '2012/05/12'), 
	'role' => array('Staff', 'Teacher', 'Lecturer'), 
	'status' => array('Banned', 'Active')

The array keys (username, datereg, role and status) are column names as in the SQL table. Their respective arrays are the values that you want to assign them.```

// call this function to start operation
$obj->randomize(<tablename>, <values array>);

Update: Added functions incrementOperation() and decrementOperation() to increase or decrease value of records of a table randomly.

$obj = new Randomizer("<hostname>", "<username>", "<password>", "<tablename>");

$values = array("1", "2", "3");
$obj->decrementOperation("<table name>", "<column name>", <value array>);
echo ($obj->randomizer_error());

Note: If you want to change values of your db repeatedly (for real-time apps demo) then call this page with setInterval() or similar function

Full Code Example:

// pass database config
$obj = new Randomizer("localhost", "root", "", "tabledata");

// assign random values to columns
$values = array(
	'username' => array('Ram Prasad', 'Hari Gopal', 'Shyam Kesari'), 
	'datereg' => array('2012/01/11', '2013/01/11', '2012/05/12'), 
	'role' => array('Staff', 'Teacher', 'Lecturer'), 
	'status' => array('Banned', 'Active')

// call this function to start operation
$obj->randomize("table1", $values);


A quick search gave me this result from stackoverflow:

function setInterval($f, $milliseconds)

    // call function here
}, 1000);