
Implementation of Rabin-Karp String matcher, and the RSA Cryptosystem

Primary LanguagePython

Implementation of Rabin-Karp String matcher, and the RSA Cryptosystem


Tested on Windows 10, 64 bit
Uses Python 3.6


Run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install all dependencies for the program.

Running the Program

The CLI for the program is developed to be separate for RabinKarp as well as RSA.

Rabin Karp

The general for of the Rabin-Karp CLI is shown below.

python rabin_karp.py match|verify <Text In File> [<Pattern File>] [Out File] [Radix] [Prime Bit Length]

Some example commands are shown below.

  • Find all shifts in file text.txt using the pattern in file pattern.txt
    python rabin_karp.py match text.txt pattern.txt
  • Find all shifts in file text.txt using pattern entered from the keyboard
    python rabin_karp.py match text.txt
  • Find all shifts and save it to a file “out2.txt”
    python rabin_karp.py match text.txt pattern.txt out2.txt
  • Verify all shifts found from file “big.txt” using pattern in file “pattern.txt”, with shifts from the Rabin Karp matcher stored in “out2.txt”
    python rabin_karp.py verify big.txt pattern.txt out2.txt

RSA Crypto System

The general form of the CLI for the RSA program are shown below.

python rsa.py genkey|encrypt|decrypt|gendata <Input file> <output file> <Key File>

Some example commands are shown

  • Generating a Public-Private Keypair of length 64 bit (default), and save to files <keypair_{public|private}.key>
    python rsa.py genkey
  • Generating a Public-Private Keypair of length 128bits, and save it to file “key_{public|private}.key>
    python rsa.py genkey key 128
  • Generating 1000 19 digit numbers at random, and store it to file “cc.txt”
    python rsa.py gendata cc.txt 1000
  • Encrypting file “cc.txt” and saving the output to file “cc_e.txt” using default keypair
    python rsa.py encrypt cc.txt cc_e.txt
  • Decrypting file “cc_e.txt” and save output to file “cc_d.txt” using default keypair
    python rsa.py decrypt cc_e.txt cc_d.txt
  • Decrypting file “cc_e.txt” and save output to file “cc_d.txt” using keypair key2_{public|private}.key
    python rsa.py decrypt cc_e.txt cc_d.txt key2

Evaluating Performance

Run python rk_perf.py to generate performance graphs for the Rabin Karp algorithm

Run python rsa_perf.py to generate performance graphs for the RSA Cryptosystem