Implementation of Jaccard Similarity using Apache Spark (PySpark)

This repo has code to measure Jaccard Similarity for a set of documents, using the k-shingles approach.
See here for explaination of Jaccard Similarity

Setting Up

Download, install and configure Apache Spark 2.4.0.
Add the path to the Spark binaries to the PATH variable in .bashrc for ease of use.
For the configuration of Spark in Cluster Mode, add the following variable to the .bashrc file for your user, replacing $HADOOP_HOME appropriately.

export HADDOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

Testing Cluster Mode

First, start the Hadoop Cluster by starting YARN and DFS.
Once the Hadoop cluster starts, run the following command to open an interactive Spark Shell:

pyspark --master yarn

Ensure all is working OK by running a few simple commands.
Alternatively, test by running one of the pre-built examples on the Hadoop Cluster (replace SPARK_HOME appropriately):

spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
    --master yarn \
    --deploy-mode cluster \
    $SPARK_HOME/examples/jars/spark-examples*.jar \

Running the program

Upload a test document to HDFS, and the also the set of documents to which it has to be compared. The Program can be run using:

spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster <Path to document set directory> <Value of K> <Test document path>

On completion, the output will contain each document in the document set provided with the corresponding similarity score to the test document. This is displayed on screen only, and is not stored in any file.
Example command:

spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster \ /usr/input/small 5 /usr/input/small/big.txt

Sample Output:

[(0.0003215224699437539, u'hdfs://ubuntu:9000/usr/input/small/rfc0001.txt'),
(1.0, u'hdfs://ubuntu:9000/usr/input/small/big.txt'),
(1.3605275581659545e-06, u'hdfs://ubuntu:9000/usr/input/small/test.txt'),
(0.026405088810002315, u'hdfs://ubuntu:9000/usr/input/small/dickens-david-626.txt')]