Number Representations and Caching

This mini-project consists of three functionalities:

Matrix Operations

  • CreateMatrix, of some size
  • ReadMatrix, either manually, or random elements are set
  • ShowMatrix, in either Row Major or Column Major Order
  • FreeMatrix, to delete the created matrix

Number Representation Operations

  • Bin2Int, to convert some 2's complement binary number to an integer
  • Int2Bin, to convert an integer to its two's complement notation

Floating Point Operations

  • IeeeToFrac, to convert a bit sequence which is in IEEE 754 format (single or double precision), to a decimal fraction
  • FracToIeee, to convert a decimal fraction number to its single / double precision IEEE 754 representation


  • OS - Ubuntu 18.04 64bit (Tested on)
  • Compiler - GCC 4.8+
  • Make


Run make in the root folder


Run the program by executing assn1-cli from the "bin" folder