A list of student-collated resources deemed to be useful for every developer and categorised. Andrei has a hand-picked list of his favourite resources which you can find here.
Articles: General articles page on web development.
Cheat Sheets: For those looking for the quick-and-dirty of how to do things, or if you simply forgot something, look no further!
CSS Resources: A list of resources for learning CSS.
General Resources for Learning Web Development: A page with mostly free resources for learning web development and coding in general.
Git and Github: Resources page on using Git and GitHub.
Interviewing for Coding Jobs: A page of resources about preparing for the job market.
JavaScript Resources: A list of resources for learning JavaScript.
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): Showcasing effective online courses that covers areas such as Full-Stack development, Front-End development, Computer Science, or even a little of everything!
Podcasts: A range of podcasts covering topics like coding, design, accessibility, JavaScript, and Mindset/Self-Development.
Programming Books: Featuring a list of insightful programming books, both free and paid versions.
Python Resources: A list of resources for learning Python.
Web Design Resources: A page of resources for web design.
Web Development Tools: A page listing a number of free web development tools.
YouTube Channels: A list of YouTube channels for learning all about programming, covering topics as broad as web development, design, history, hacking, and Computer Science (CS).
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List of Contributors: A page showing the GitHub usernames of all who have contributed to this open-source project! Make sure to add yourself and submit a pull request if you've contributed.