Hi there, I'm Prasuk Durugkar! 👋

Welcome to my GitHub! I'm a MERN Stack Developer who loves turning ideas into real-world applications. My journey in tech is fueled by a passion for coding, design, and continuous learning.

🔭 What I'm Working On:

  • LegalConnect: Building a platform that connects users with legal professionals. Full-stack development using React, Node.js, and MongoDB.
  • Shopping GO: A modern e-commerce site with React, Tailwind CSS, and Redux.

🌱 What I'm Learning:

  • Exploring React Native and Next JS to expand my backend skills.
  • Diving deeper into AWS for cloud services.

💻 My Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: React, Redux, JavaScript (ES6+), HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js, RESTful APIs
  • Databases: MongoDB, SQL, Firebase
  • UI/UX: Figma, Adobe XD
  • Tools: Git, GitHub, Postman, VS Code

🛠️ Projects:

  • LegalConnect: A platform linking users with legal professionals.
  • Shopping GO: A user-friendly e-commerce site with secure checkout and order tracking.
  • Brainwave: A dynamic UI/UX website with stunning visuals.

🎓 Certifications:

  • Google UX Design Professional Certificate
  • AWS Academy Cloud Foundations

📫 How to Reach Me:

⚡ Fun Fact:

When I'm not coding, you might find me exploring new tech trends, tinkering with gadgets, or playing video games.