
Minor project made using PHP and MySQL

Primary LanguagePHP


ABSTRACT Through this report,we want to share our insights into the making of our project based on the Multi user Blogging Platform which has been gaining widespread popularity in the recent years.It aims at the development of a blogging portal which provides a common platform to various people across the globe to express their views and opinions on different topics. In this report,we have described the different languages and tools used in the development of our interactive website and the integration of various tools developed during the execution of our project.We have listed the various sources with the help of which we made our website and included snapshots of the various functionalities within our code. In the end we have concluded our report after giving a walkthrough of the various functionalities of our website.

OBJECTIVES  Through this project we have tried to develop Multi User Blogging Portal thorugh which many user can sign up,login,write posts,read trending posts,like or dislike a post,comment on a post,share it if the user likes it among a host of many other functions as well.  We have also hoped to create a platform through which budding writers can share their writings with the outside world by the medium of internet.The user may write his/her article either in his area of expertise or any random topic.User can also search for particular topic with the help of hashtags.  This blogging website was created with the intention of helping fellow bloggers across the world share a common platform and discuss or debate on various topics ranging from entertainment to sports and movies as well.  We have also included content based ads,which means the user will see the advertisements based on the post which he\she is currently reading.We will also try to implement an earning feature also through which the post writer will be able to earn real time money based on the number of clicks which he/she received on the ads on their post.

BACKGROUND STUDY AND FINDINGS For a thorough understanding of our project,a clear and complete understanding of the various languages used in the making of the website was required.A crystal clear grasp over the concepts such as HTML5,PHP,MYSQL,JAVASCRIPT,BOOTSTRAP,AJAX,PHP DATA OBJECTS,OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS,WEB CRAWLING AND SCRAPING was a pre requisite.So to clear the concepts,we used many online websites like W3SCHOOLS.COM and STACKOVERFLOW.COM among many others as well to understand the above concepts.We sought the help and guidance of our seniors as well who were able to mentor us and guide us thorough our project. Video lectures on the various concepts were also helpful in our project. We also used Adobe Photoshop to design our icon and to make it look the way it looks. For our initial stage,we visited several other blog sites as well so to get a rough idea of how the blog sites work and what different functionalties they implement on their blog sites.We hoped to work on these functionalities as well as we thought of ways to improve them as well and implement those improved features on our website. After visiting the different blogs,we observed that not many of them the “ads display” feature on them by which advertisements based on the context of the post was not there.So we decided to try out this feature on our website using the help of mysql database.We also used the admin panel to enter the data.We also implemented the PDO and OOP login system as well.This system uses PHP data objects and OOPS concepts to login and register. In the middle stages we were also required to put our websites online.We we able to accomplish this by uploading our database to HOSTINGER.COM which granted us with a unique domain name and allowed us to host our website online. For the successful display of other websites data on our website,we used the WEB CRAWLING techniques which we learnt with the help of various tutorial and some help from our peers as well. We also included the feature of RSS FEEDS from 3 websites:CNN,BBC & PCWORLD.We came to know about RSS feeds while we were looking at other blogs.We liked it and then we learnt to implement this feature on websites with the help of interactive tutorials and videos as well .With their help we were able to see the latest news provided on these websites and included this feature on the homepage of our website.