
A sample true multi-module Android project that reflects my knowledge

Primary LanguageKotlin

Shattered Android Project

The project showcases an Android app that is totally split into Gradle subprojects - each feature consists of the usual Clean architecture / MVVM layers, and each of these is represented by a separate Gradle subproject. In the end this should improve build times due to subprojects' decoupling (it already does for UI tests for example), and probably bring some other good to this world.

The goal for me is to hone my skills and improve / reuse the code I produce over the years.

Project structure

project type what does
app com.android.application keeps the App class... that's it!
screens-compose:entrypoint com.android.library hosts navigation logic and provides access to all other screens
======================== ======================== ========================
screens-compose:steamstore com.android.library shows items from store.steampowered.com
screens:news com.android.library shows news from currentsapi.services (requires auth)
usecase:steamstore java-library performs business transformations of data
usecase:news java-library --
repository:steamstore java-library governs access to external API's
repository:news java-library --
api-live java-library live implementation for the above
api-mock java-library mock one
api-common java-library stores interfaces for external APIs, maybe should be also split into multiple projects
domain java-library keeps data classes used by the app
dto java-library describes objects coming from the backend
common-android com.android.library reusable classes dependent on Android framework
common-compose com.android.library reusable classes related to Jetpack Compose only
common-kotlin java-library reusable classes that do not dependent on Android framework
common-test-android com.android.library reusable test classes dependent on Android framework

Dev Tips

The project is organized in a way to simplify adding new features and reusing all available common code, including Gradle configurations. This comes with a cost - the root build.gradle is not so readable anymore, haha! On the other hand, newly added subprojects would automatically be linked to common dependencies and take their place in the Clean architecture. This is intended to let developer concentrate on the code rather than on project structure.

The project is completely split into Gradle subprojects, i.e. each UI feature occupies a separate module and NOT a package. The root build.gradle script automatically configures subprojects with these assumptions:

  • if the path to subproject starts with :usecase: (i.e. it lies inside a usecase directory) make it depend on certain subprojects that a typical usecase would need (like repository and domain)
  • the same for :screens - those are implied to be Android libraries, additionally :screens-compose: directory holds features with Jetpack Compose
  • depending on the selected variant to be built (say, live), excludes it's alternative version (in this case mock) in settings.gradle, so that the final code will not have any mention of unneeded project. This is done per-feature, but currently only works if you pass ONE task to build (which is a normal use on a local dev machine, will sure not work well for CI systems).

Each screen defines their own internal UI data, which is derived from domain objects.

To generate compose compiler reports do this:

./gradlew -Pmyapp.enableComposeCompilerReports=true assembleRelease --rerun-tasks

To work with secrets (common-android is used):

./gradlew hideSecretFromPropertiesFile -PpropertiesFileName=secret.properties -Ppackage=com.pratclot

To solve R8 / minify / obfuscation issues:

  • use debugMinify build variant to see the exact failure in the logs
  • find the problematic class via Analyze APK... in AS
  • the simplest way to fix is to right-click it, select Generate Proguard keep rule, take the first rule and apply it in app/proguard-rules.pro (I did not figure how to store these rules with the subproject that holds deleted classes)
  • run the new version and see if it gives another error message (it should)

To figure out Gradle task dependencies (other tasks):

./gradlew testNewsMockSteamstoreMockDebugUnitTest --dry-run

To see Gradle configuration dependencies (jars or projects):

./gradlew :usecase:news:dependencies --configuration implementation


  • consider this for navigation
  • disable Jetifier
  • add baseline profile
  • invent something to not duplicate Retrofit init code in Dagger modules
  • disable logging in OkHttpClient for non-debug builds (have to do some Gradle magic again)
  • fix hideSecretFromPropertiesFile - it does not copy .cpp files properly, forgets the package name
  • add paging support to news
  • consider extracting build config to an opinionated Android clean arch Gradle plugin, that will organize the subprojects for any other app the same way, plus will add some extensibility
  • add an obfuscated release to GitHub
  • list used libs
  • install Hilt modules in scopes smaller than SingletonComponent
  • implement a common file resource reader for mock variants
  • create a task to run all UI tests