AI Sports Recap

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AI Sports Recap is a Streamlit-based application designed to generate video highlights and textual summaries of sports press conferences given a YouTube video link. The app leverages cutting-edge technologies including OpenAI's GPT-4o, Pegasus1 by TwelveLabs, and Docker for seamless integration and deployment.

Tech Stack

  • OpenAI GPT-4o: Used for generating textual summaries and extracting relevant video clips based on the input query.
  • Pegasus1 by TwelveLabs: Utilized for transcript generation and video clipping.
  • Streamlit: Provides the UI and frontend for user interaction.
  • Docker: Ensures a consistent and reproducible environment for running the application.


  1. Transcript Generation: Automatically generates a transcript of the provided video.
  2. Highlight Extraction: Identifies and extracts key video segments that are relevant to the user's query.
  3. Summary Generation: Creates a concise summary of the press conference.
  4. Social Media Sharing: Allows users to share the generated summary and highlights on social media platforms.



  • Docker
  • OpenAI API Key
  • TwelveLabs API Key


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Set up environment variables Create a .env file in the root directory and add your API keys:

  3. Build and run the Docker container

    docker compose up --build
  4. Access the application Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8501.


  1. Enter the URL: Paste the YouTube video link of the press conference.
  2. Select an option: Choose from predefined video options if available.
  3. Submit a query: Input your question or query related to the video content.
  4. View the results: The app will display the video highlights and textual summary based on your query.
  5. Share on social media: Use the provided links to share the summary and highlights on Facebook and Twitter.

Code Overview

The main components of the application are as follows:

  • Streamlit Frontend: Handles user input and displays results.
  • Backend Functions:
    • generate_transcript: Uses Pegasus1 to generate video transcripts.
    • get_intervals: Extracts relevant video segments based on the GPT-4o output.
    • get_text_from_gpt: Queries GPT-4o to extract relevant content & their timestamps from the generated transcripts based on the user's prompt.
    • get_clippings_from_intervals: Generates relevant clips of the original video based on the identified time intervals & merges them into a single highlight video.
    • get_summary_and_title_from_gpt: Generates a summary and title for the video content.
  • Social Media Integration: Provides links for sharing the content on social media platforms.


  1. User Interface:

    • Enter the URL of the video or select from predefined options.
    • Submit a question or query about the press conference.
  2. Backend Processing:

    • Generate transcript of the video.
    • Use GPT-4o to summarize the transcript and identify key video segments.
    • Clip the relevant video segments and generate a consolidated highlight video.
    • Display the textual summary and video highlights to the user.
  3. Sharing:

    • Users can share the generated content on Facebook and Twitter directly from the app.


  • OpenAI for their powerful GPT-4o model.
  • TwelveLabs for Pegasus1 API.
  • Streamlit for the user-friendly frontend framework.
  • Docker for the containerization and ease of deployment.


Our project wouldn't be possible without the contributions of these amazing people! Thank you all for making this project better.