Twitter With Cassandra

Team 21

Team Members

  • Adhish Singla : 201403004
  • Saurabh Jain : 201301128
  • Gaurav Singh : 201264059
  • Shantanu : 201202022

We aim at building an online social networking service (Twitter) that enables users to send and read short messages using a distributed DBMS – Apache Cassandra which is an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. Cassandra offers robust support for clusters spanning multiple datacenters, with asynchronous masterless replication allowing low latency operations for all clients.

###To setup TwitterWithCassandra:-
1) Install Django – lattest version 1.8.3
2) Install Cassandra – yum install cassandra (for RedHat ent.), apt-get install cassandra (for debian)
3) Install pip
4) install cassandra-driver –> pip install cassandra-driver
5) pip install django-cassandra-engine
6) git clone TwitterWithCassandra repo from github
7) cd TwitterWithCassandra
8) pip install -U -r requirements.txt
9) start cassandra in one terminal by typing cassandra (It should run. In case of any errors, google it ;)
10) Make sure you are in twitter directory, type: python sync_cassandra
11) then run the following command: python runserver

By default the server runs at port 8000. So open browser and goto Twitter should be running.