
Amazon EMR Starter Sample for running jobs programmatically

Primary LanguageJava

AWS Elastic Map Reduce Starter Sample

Amazon EMR Starter Sample for running jobs programmatically

Build Status

  • Has an entry point on JobRunner
  • Will create an job which implement JobConfig
  • Will create a Cluster and run the steps configured
  • After the completion of it the cluster will terminated automatically
  • All the property needed for the AWS-SDK interaction is located at /resources/application.properties

The Job steps and instances are configured on the ConfigJobFlowRequest method, for the sake of the simplicity creates a job with only a masterInstance with the size of r3.xlarge

    private RunJobFlowRequest ConfigJobFlowRequest(JobConfig job) {
        return new RunJobFlowRequest()
                .withInstances(new JobFlowInstancesConfig()