
Use arduino to program FTDI/Serial devices

First config Arduino as and of the three

  1. Connect RESET pin to GND. This is easiest.

  2. Remove the Atmel Chip

  3. upload this sketch

    void setup(){
    void loop(){

Second connect with external board

  1. connect power pins

  2. then connect RX (arduino) pin to RX (external board)

  3. and TX (arduino) pin to TX(external board)

Uploading code to ESPWROOM32 ESP8266

  1. press EN to reset,
  2. compile and upload and when show connecting .................
  3. press Boot and release.

platformio config for esp32-wroom-32 is

platform = espressif32
board = nodemcu-32s
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps = yoursunny/WifiEspNow@^0.0.20201226