List of experiments

  1. Study Arduino IDE and PlatformIO IDE implement led blink program, define program to toggle status of led with function and observe changes in Arduino and PlatformIO. Run basic examples from Arduino IDE.

  2. Study pin diagram of different boards like arduino UNO, nano, esp8266, esp32, esp01 and test board by Burning/Flashing/Uploading led blink program.

  3. To familiarize with main and loop function and basic like digitalRead, digitalWrite, AnalogRead, AnalogWrite, Serial.begin(), Serial.print()

  4. To install boards and library in Arduino and PlatformIO. Learn to manage your code and backup in to zip/rar or git/github.

  5. Program esp8266/esp32 as Access Point Mode (AP)

  6. Program esp8266/esp32 as Station Mode (STA)

  7. Config esp in to WiFi AP and STA mode and communicate.

  8. Explain the use of WifiManager library and program esp8266/esp32 and connect to a WiFi network and change WiFi config

  9. Configure esp as webserver and toggle led.

  10. Configure esp as webserver and toggle led using raw string to store webpage in separate header file.

  11. Use LittleFS to upload and serve HTML, CSS, and JS

  12. Show the use of mDNS (ESP8266mDNS) to access esp website using domain name instead of IP

  13. Explain the use of async webserver using ESPAsyncWebServer

  14. Explain websockets and using websockets display/update live status of LED/sensor readings on webpage.

  15. Create a mesh network of IoT (ESP) devices using ESP-NOW protocol.