Vector Space Retrieval System

This an end-to-end retrieval system for English to perform a toy-scale performance evaluation of Vector-space retrieval models.


The following command will install all the dependencies:



For constructing the index:

python path/to/colection/folder index_filename #Example: python data/TaggedTrainingAP/ indexfile

For searching the index for the queries:

python --query queryfile --cutoff k --output resultfile --index indexfile --dict dictfile
#Example: python --cutoff 10 --query data/topics.51-100 --output resultfile --dict indexfile.dict --index indexfile.idx

For printing the index file dictionary:

python path/to/dict #Example: python indexfile.dict

Algorithmic Detail

This is a basic implementation of the VSM. Firstly, the input documents are parsed and two indexfiles are created (indexfile.idx and indexfile.dict). These files take much less space than the original documents (around 1/4th) and help in faster searching.

After this while running the search component, initially, all the queries are parsed and considered as independent documents. Then we find the similarity of each query with all the "possible documents", rank them in decreasing order of similarity, and write them to the result file for final trec_eval evaluation.

Preprcessing Detail:

For preprocessing, first, the stopwords are removed, the text is tokenized and finally stemmed with SnowballStemmer (nltk).

Pseudo Code:

FUN find_score(doc1, doc2):
    represent doc1 and doc2 as vectors of terms with their respective count as the magnitude
    score = dot product between two documents
    normalized_score = score / normalization_factor 
    # here the normalization factor is a heuristic is taken to be the product of magnitude of doc1_vector and doc2_vector
    return normalized_score

FUN fetch_possible_document(query):
    possible_documents = {}
    for doc in all_docs:
        if any term of query present in doc:
            add doc to possible_documents
    return possible documents
FUN search(query, cutoff):
    ranklist = {}
    possible_documents = fetch_possible_documents(query)
    for doc in possible_documents:
        score = find_score(query, doc) #Cosine Similarity
        add score to ranklist

    return top k(=cutoff) elements of ranklist

Note: The two functions fetch_possible_document and search might seem similar and redundant but they are made for making the implementation faster. Please let me know if you have some suggestion for this.


For the given data, the indexing time is around 500 seconds while nDCG@10 = 0.27 and F_set@100 = 0.11.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.