
Repository for ACM checkmate event 2020

Primary LanguageJavaScript


API Endpoints


  • Request:
    Send jwt token along with the score to be updated in JSON
 "score": 100

Assigned Responsibilities

  • Mention the responsibilities assigned to you in the following format
  • Name : Responsibilities and Assigned Games

File structure

  • public [ Will contain frontend files ]
  • src
    • db
      • mongoose.js
    • graphql [ We won't be using graphql for this project initially, we can try shifting from REST to GraphQL later]
      • resolvers.js
      • schema.js
    • models
      • user.js
    • routers
      • main.js [ General endpoints ]
      • user.js [ User Management and auth]
    • app.js
    • index.js
    • passport.js
    • .gitignore


  • Add endpoints for Login and Registration in src/routers/auth.js


npm install

Starting up the server

  • Start the mongo database using
cd {path-to-mongodb}/mongodb/bin
./mongod --dbpath {path-to-data-directory-for-mongo}/mongodb-data
  • Navigate to the root directory of the project in another terminal window.
  • To run the project in development mode, run npm run dev
  • To run the project in production mode, run npm run start
  • Go to localhost:3000 in your browser.


  • Each of you shall be working in a separate router file under the folder src/routers
  • Depending on the requirements of the game, think whether you need a separate model for the game and accordingly add one under the folder src/models
  • Each of you shall work in a separate model
  • After you start making your router, make sure that you configure that router in src/app.js by adding app.use(router_name)
  • Code for various algorithms like participant matching should be kept in src/routers in a separate file
  • Environment variables can be set in config/dev.env
  • Whenever there is a change in package.json, you have to install new node_modules using :
npm install

Contributing [Important]

  • Make sure that you don't push code with bugs
  • Before making any commit pull the changes from the head repository
  • Don't make changes in portion assigned to other person without informing him
  • Make meaningful commits
  • Avoid using upload files, use the Command line for git
  • Avoid pushing unnecessary files like your IDE files. Make use of .gitignore . Currently vscode and webstorm ide files are only removed from git vcs.