
he weather app is a cool project you can start with Flask. In this app, we’ll have a dashboard where the user can enter the name of a city and do a search by clicking a button. The app will show the current weather in that city. How is it possible? It is not that difficult as you may think. We can leverage an API called OpenWeatherMap for doing this project pretty simply. You can go to their website and see a lot of available data and options.

Primary LanguageHTML

  1. Weather-App-using-Flask

The weather app is a cool project you can start with Flask. In this app, we’ll have a dashboard where the user can enter the name of a city and do a search by clicking a button. The app will show the current weather in that city. How is it possible? It is not that difficult as you may think. We can leverage an API called OpenWeatherMap for doing this project pretty simply. You can go to their website and see a lot of available data and options.