
Convert ACF fields to standard WP custom fields for easier queries

Primary LanguagePHP

Custom Field Converter for ACF

This plugin requires Advanced Custom Fields 5 Pro (ACF) and will not provide any funtionality if ACF is not installed.

Please submit bugs, problems, comments & questions here.

Convert custom fields stored in formats other that standard WP postmeta DB storage format into standard WP storage format.

Examples of fields that can be converet include

  • Fields stored as serialized data
  • ACF Repeater Sub Fields
  • ACF Flexible Content Sub Fields
  • Copy & Convert fields in related posts so that they can be searched as if part of other posts


Custom field plugins can store data in the DB in non-standard ways which make it difficult to query this data using a standard WP_Query().

The standard storage method that WP uses to store multiple values for a single meta_key is to use multiple DB rows with the same meta_key and a different value for each.

This plugin will convert data in non standard fields to standard storage format into a differnt meta_key to make the values in them easier to query. This requires using the new meta key that you assign to these values.

This plugin assumes that the user understands how data is stored in different types of custom fields.

##Usefull For

  • Converting multiselect to standard WP storage
  • Converting checkbox fields to standard WP storage
  • Converting other fields stored as serialized arrays into standard WP storage format
  • Converting ACF repeater fields to standard WP storage
  • Copying custom fields from related posts to allow easier searching of posts by related content

##Not Usefull For

  • Repeater Field Matching: If you need to search repeater field rows and match fields in the row (For example, WHERE repeater_1_number = "10" AND repeater_1_text = "Bob") then this plugin will not help you. I do not plan to build in this functionality so please do not ask. This may be possible but you'll need to build it yourself for your own particlar needs. I have provided a filter that will allow you to add additional fields, see filters below.

##Check & Repair The check and repair feature checks all posts associated with a converter and performs the convert on all the posts. This is usefull if you think there may be problems with the converted data or you have changed the converter or fields after adding posts and you need to make the changes effect older posts. During this process data stored in old field names that no longer exist or have been changed will also be remove.

##Nuke The nuke feature allows you to delete all converted custom fields for all posts that are associated with the converter. All field names that have ever been used in the converter are stored. This means that even if you change the name of a field that the older fields will still be deleted when you run this feature so that no traces of any converted content will exist.

Please note: If you change the post types associated with a converter that this operation will not be able to find and delete the data. If you are going to change the post type(s) for a converter, first make the converter inactive and nuke all the data, then change the post types and reactivate the converter. Once this is done you can then perform a check and repair to build the data again.



####field_converter/additional_data This filter allows you to build your own additional custom data to be added to each post that is beyond the capabilities of this plugin. For example you could include custom fields from a taxonomy or some other source. Data must be returned in a nested array. See the example.


add_filter('field_converter/additional_data', 'my_custom_data_filter');
function my_custom_data_filter($data) {
  $data = array(
    // each element is
    // new meta_key => array of values
    'my_extra_field_1' => array(
      'value 1',
      'value 2'
    'my_extra_field_2' => array(
      'value 1',
      'value 2',
      'value 3'
  return $data;


This filter allows you do alter the post types loaded into the post type selection field of the field converter settings. These are the arguments used to get the list of post types and it conforms to the format of the wordpress function get_post_types(). By default only public post types are made available for conversion.

The default values of $args:

$args = array(
  'public' => 'true'


add_filter('my-converter-post-type-args', 'converter_post_type_args');
function converter_post_type_args($args) {
  $args['public'] = false;
  return $args;

####field-converter/post-type/capabilities This filter allows you to change the capablities for viewing and editing field converters. The default value for all arguments is update_core meaning that only an admin user, or the super admin user on multisite, can edit or view field converters. You can change this if you want other types of users to have access. Additional capabilites not listed can also be added if you choose.

The default values are:

$capabilities = array(
  'edit_post' => 'update_core',
  'read_post' => 'update_core',
  'delete_post' => 'update_core',
  'edit_others_posts' => 'update_core',
  'delete_posts' => 'update_core',
  'publish_posts' => 'update_core',
  'read_private_posts' => 'update_core'


add_filter('field-converter/post-type/capabilities', 'my_converter_capabilities');
function my_converter_capabilities($capabilities) {
  // set to standard post capabilities
	$capabilities = array(
		'edit_post' => 'edit_posts',
		'read_post' => 'read',
		'delete_post' => 'delete_posts',
		'edit_others_posts' => 'edit_others_posts',
		'delete_posts' => 'delete_posts',
		'publish_posts' => 'publish_posts',
		'read_private_posts' => 'read_private_posts'
	return $capabilities;

####field-converter/repair_capibility This filter sets the capability required to initiate the Check & Repair feature. The default value for this feature is update_core meaning that only an admin user, or the super admin user on multisite, can initiate a the feature. You can change this if you want other types of users to have access to this feature.


add_filter('field-converter/repair_capibility', 'my_repair_capibility', 20);
my_repair_capibility($capability) {
  return 'edit_posts';

####field-converter/nuke_capibility This filter sets the capability required to initiate the Nuke feature. The default value for this feature is update_core meaning that only an admin user, or the super admin user on multisite, can initiate a the feature. You can change this if you want other types of users to have access to this feature.


add_filter('field-converter/nuke_capibility', 'my_nuke_capibility', 20);
my_nuke_capibility($capability) {
  return 'edit_posts';