Etch a Sketch

This is a simple Etch a Sketch program that allows you to draw on a grid by hovering over its boxes. You can also change the grid size and clear the drawing. Here's a quick guide on how to use the program:

Getting Started

To use the Etch a Sketch program, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the index.html file in your web browser.


Use this link to try it!


  1. Upon opening the program, you will see a grid of size 16x16.
  2. Hover over any box in the grid to draw by changing its color to sky blue.
  3. To change the grid size, you have three options:
    • Click the "16 x 16 (Original)" button to reset the grid to its original size (16x16).
    • Click the "20 x 20" button to change the grid size to 20x20.
    • Click the "30 x 30" button to change the grid size to 30x30.
  4. To clear the drawing and reset the grid, click the "Clear" button.


  • The program supports three different grid sizes (16x16, 20x20, and 30x30) to draw on.
  • The grid color changes to sky blue when you hover over it, creating a drawing effect.
  • The buttons change their appearance (background color, padding, and text color) when you hover over them.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: Markup language for creating the structure of the web page.
  • CSS3: Styling language for designing the appearance of the web page.
  • JavaScript: Programming language for adding interactivity to the web page.


The Etch a Sketch program was created as a fun and educational project. It is inspired by the classic Etch a Sketch toy that allows users to create drawings by turning two knobs.


Pratham Dupare - Feel free to add your name and link to your GitHub profile if you are the author.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have ideas for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

This provides an overview of the Etch a Sketch program, its features, usage instructions. Customize it with your information, and don't forget to update the "Author" section with your name and GitHub profile link.