

GoalSeeker_RayTracer is a Unity ML-Agents project that demonstrates a reinforcement learning agent trained to navigate towards a target while using ray tracing to detect obstacles. The agent learns to optimize its movement in a 3D environment by rotating towards the target and moving forward while avoiding walls. The project showcases fundamental reinforcement learning principles using Unity's ML-Agents Toolkit, combined with ray-based perception for enhanced navigation.


  • Reinforcement Learning Agent: Uses the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm for training.
  • Ray Tracing for Obstacle Detection: The agent uses ray tracing to sense the environment, detect obstacles, and navigate towards the target.
  • Dynamic Multi-Environment Setup: Multiple training environments allow parallel learning with randomized target positions at the start of each episode, providing diverse training scenarios.
  • Rewards and Penalties: The agent is rewarded for reaching the goal and penalized for hitting walls or failing to progress.
  • Training Visualizations: Includes a demo video, images of the training process, command line output, TensorBoard metrics, and screenshots of the Unity environment.


  • A video showcasing the trained agent's behavior.


  • Images:

    • Screenshot of the Unity environment during a demo run. Screenshot 2024-10-24 000049
    • Command line output showing the training process. Screenshot 2024-10-24 001251
    • TensorBoard metrics visualizing the training progress. Screenshot 2024-10-24 000527

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/GoalSeeker_RayTracer.git
  2. Setup Unity ML-Agents:

    • Follow the instructions to install Unity ML-Agents Toolkit here.
    • Ensure you have Python installed along with the required dependencies.
  3. Open the Project in Unity:

    • Open the GoalSeeker_RayTracer Unity project.
    • Make sure the ML-Agents package is properly installed in Unity.
  4. Training the Agent:

    • Run the following command in the command line to start training:
      mlagents-learn config/goal_seeker_raytracer_config.yaml --run-id=GoalSeekerRayTracerRun1
    • Press the Play button in the Unity Editor to begin training.
  5. Monitoring Training Progress:

    • Use TensorBoard to visualize the training metrics:
      tensorboard --logdir=results/GoalSeekerRayTracerRun1
    • Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:6006 to view TensorBoard.

How It Works

  • Ray Perception: The agent is equipped with a Ray Perception Sensor that uses ray tracing to detect objects tagged as "Wall" or "Pellet."
  • Rotation and Movement: The agent can rotate towards the target and move forward based on detected rays, adjusting its actions to avoid obstacles.
  • Rewards and Penalties: Rewards are given for reaching the target, while penalties are applied for hitting walls or making poor progress.
  • Multi-Environment Training: Multiple training environments run in parallel, each with a randomized target position to accelerate learning.


The training configuration file (goal_seeker_raytracer_config.yaml) contains hyperparameters for the PPO algorithm, including:

  • batch_size: Number of training samples used in each training update.
  • buffer_size: Number of samples collected before updating the model.
  • learning_rate: Step size for gradient descent updates.
  • ray_perception: Settings for the Ray Perception Sensor, including the number of rays, length, and detectable tags.