Request Monitoring Microservice

Monitoring service

This request monitoring service logs the time the request was made and other request related details to a MySQL database.
Listener and Worker are seperate code and share data using Redis in-memory database (Redis Lists).
The Listener handles request concurrently and save logs to Redis Lists acting as Queue, and Worker proccess upto 20,000req/min and log them in bulk on MySQL database clearing Redis Queue.
The Worker code can handle Graceful shutdown without loosing any relavent data.

Steps to setup the monitoring service

1. Clone repo monitoring_service :

git clone

2. Setup Golang :

Installation and documentation

3. Set GOPATH and GOROOT variables by adding following lines in file: .bashrc for ubuntu inside HOME folder :

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go/
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

4. Setup Database servers :

  • First Setup MySQL and Redis system servers from database-server-setup-for-system mentioned below.

5. Run Both database servers on their default port setting :

sudo systemctl start mysql
sudo systemctl start redis-server

To check if the server is up and running, just replace 'start' with 'status'
To stop once work is done, replace 'start' with 'stop'

Database Server setup for system

  • MySQL
  • Redis (use the APT repository for it includes redis-cli) Remeber to add the database for both Redis and MySQL with the schema and name used in code.

Database Driver to be used in Go

Work to be done

  • optimize cpu utilization (utilization is high because of infinite loop in worker which make connection to redis to check for any new datqa in queue)
  • cleaner code implimentation (break logging function from worker code into smaller function, also improve the implimentation of graceful shutdown)
  • upload go mod file and create a shell script for all the setup
  • update readme with testing method for the monitoring service.
  • reduce redis connection in worker, try to take up data in bulk from redis(just like done in case of mysql) which is taken unit by unit for now