💡📢Dev Mint has an exclusive collection of layouts, animations, effects, code snippets, extensions, projects, resources etc. to fulfill and satiate your developer needs.✔
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[Snake Game] : Adding Snake Game
#33 opened by Cibiyanna26 - 6
Title: Add Scroll to Top Button
#16 opened by SattyamSamania - 6
Chrome Extension : BMI Calculator
#5 opened by prathimacode-hub - 3
CSS card flip Title:
#17 opened by Ritu-2001 - 7
Title: Add Favicon
#19 opened by AnkitMajee - 0
Add Favicon and Open Graph Protocols to the website for efficient social media sharing
#32 opened by rakesh-vajrapu - 2
A Meaning App
#30 opened by RonitBaranwal - 4
Title: Adding a Dice game
#21 opened by AnkitMajee - 1
[PROJECT PROPOSAL] - AI Image Generator
#26 opened by AaadityaG - 4
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Cover Photo Not Working
#20 opened by smitra0916 - 7
Title: create a drum kit
#12 opened by Tushar98644 - 2
Number Guessing Game.
#2 opened by Kumar-Ankit56 - 2
Title: Add Javascript Quiz App
#8 opened by SattyamSamania - 4
Title: Build a speech detection app
#11 opened by Tushar98644 - 2
#25 opened by khushimarothi - 4
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Title: Adding a Simon Game
#24 opened by LuckySingh9897 - 1
Title: CheatSheet Template
#23 opened by himanshu1221 - 2
Title: I want to add the modals in the website with the help of html , css and js
#18 opened by KrunalGupta02 - 2
Title: colour picker chrome extension
#15 opened by Dibyendu303 - 3
Make a cooking website layout.
#1 opened by 1ananya3 - 2
Javascript Quiz App
#4 opened by SattyamSamania