
The ATM Simulator is a Python-based application that emulates a basic ATM interface. It allows users to perform common banking operations, including checking their account balance, making withdrawals, and depositing funds.

Primary LanguagePython


An ATM Simulator created using Python and MySQL for simulating basic ATM functionalities.

ATM Simulator Screenshot

Table of Contents

Project Overview

The ATM Simulator is a Python-based application that emulates a basic ATM interface. It allows users to perform common banking operations, including checking their account balance, making withdrawals, and depositing funds.


  • User authentication using a card number and PIN.
  • Account balance inquiry.
  • Cash withdrawal and deposit options.
  • Real-time updates to the available balance.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.



Before running the ATM Simulator, ensure you have the following components installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • MySQL (or another database of your choice)

Database Setup

  1. Create a MySQL Database:

    Create a new MySQL database named atmTransaction using your preferred MySQL management tool or the command line:

    CREATE DATABASE atmTransaction;
  2. Use the Database:

    Switch to the newly created database:

    USE atmTransaction;
  3. Create the accountHolder Table:

    Define the table structure for storing account holder information, including card numbers, PINs, and available balances:

    CREATE TABLE accountHolder (
     cardNo INT PRIMARY KEY,
     cardPin INT NOT NULL,
     availBalance DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT 0.0
  4. Add Sample Account Holder Data

    You can add sample account holder data to the accountHolder table to get started. Here's an example:

    -- Insert sample account holder data
    INSERT INTO accountHolder (cardNo, cardPin, availBalance)
       (1234567890123456, 1234, 1000.00),
       (2345678901234567, 5678, 500.50),
       (3456789012345678, 9876, 250.75);

Running the ATM Simulator

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/prathmeshborate/AtmSimulator.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd AtmSimulator
  3. Run the ATM Simulator:
    python main.py


  1. Launch the ATM Simulator.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to log in using your card number and PIN.
  3. Use the available options to perform ATM operations.


Contributions to the ATM Simulator project are welcome! You can contribute by:

  • Adding new features or enhancements.
  • Fixing bugs and issues.
  • Improving code quality and documentation.