This Django-built Music Instruments E-commerce system facilitates product addition and integrates Razorpay for seamless payments.
- About the Project
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Getting Started
- Credentials
- Screenshots, Demo Video
- Connect Me
This project is a full-stack Music Instruments E-commerce website developed using Python and the Django framework. It incorporates essential features for an online store, including user authentication, a shopping cart, and integration with the Razorpay payment gateway.
- Full Stack: Python, Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Database: MySQL
- Payment Gateway: Razorpay
- User Authentication : Secure login and registration for a personalized shopping experience.
- Shopping Cart: Efficient cart management for adding, updating, and removing products.
- Razorpay Integration: Seamless payment transactions through the Razorpay payment gateway.
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Install Python 3.7 or above
👉 Step 1 - Download the code from the GH repository (using
git clone && cd Ecommerce
👉 Step 2 - Create virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv
👉 Step 3 - Activating the environment:
on Windows:
on Mac OS / Linux:
source .venv\Scripts\activate
👉 Step 4 - Installing dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
👉 Step 5 - You can now run the development server:
python runserver
in your browser. The app should be up & running.
👉 Step 6 - Go
Not Necessary:
Go to
file on Ecommerce folder (/music_club/
) setting all requirements after "=".
# For sending email to users during registration or password recovery
email = ''
password = ''
# For integrating with the Razorpay payment gateway.
razorpay_key_id = ''
razorpay_key_secret = ''
👉 Step 7 - Integrate the Razorpay payment gateway for transactions.
Documentation: Razorpay Integration
IMPORTANT: Make sure your Razorpay account is running in TEST Mode
and Use Test token provided by razorpay:
User Credentials:
- URL:
- Username: user
- Password: user@123
Admin Credentials:
- Admin Panel:
- Django Admin Panel:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin@123
Visit our Screenshots Page for a visual walkthrough of the Music Club E-Commerce Website.
Demo Video 👇:
The repository is a start point for most of my professional projects; for this, I'm using as a part of my portfolio, feel free to use wherever you want. I'll be happy if you provide any feedback or code improvements or suggestions.
📫 How to reach me:
Music Club eCommerce - Provided by Prathmesh Soni