
4th Sem JAVA

Primary LanguageJava

Some JAVA Programs

Week 1 - Intro to JAVA

  1. Debug - Prime Number or Not
  2. (R)Finding Roots of Quadratic Equation
  3. (R)Sorting Array of Command Line Arguments
  4. Fibonacci

Week 2 - Objects and Classes

  1. Matrix Multiplication
  2. Check for Palindrome
  3. (R)Class - Bank Account
  4. (R)Method Overriding

Week 3 - Types of Classes

  1. (R)Abstract Class - Shape
  2. (R)Derived Classes - Student
  3. Interface - Shape

Week 4 - Exceptions

  1. (R)Student Class - Array Out of Bounds Exception
  2. (R)User Defined Exceptions

Week 5 - Threads

  1. (R)Implement Thread Class methods
  2. (R)Multithreading in JAVA
  3. (R)Producer Consumer Problem

Week 6 - Files and Packages

  1. File Info
  2. [Copy contents of file to another]
  3. [Show number of chars, lines and words]

Week 7 - User Interfaces

  1. (R)Division Calculator
  2. (R)Traffic Lights
  3. (R)Big Swing - List View + Alert