
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Databases
  • Relational Databases
  • Non-Relational Databases
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • ORM
  • mongod
  • Mongoose.connect
  • Mongoose.Schema
  • Mongoose.model
  • module.exports
  • Model.find
  • Model.findById
  • Model.find().remove()
  • .save
  • Error first callback
  • _id


Download MongoDB. https://www.mongodb.com/download-center Create a new folder and run npm init to create your package.json file. Install npm packages: npm i --save express body-parser cors mongoose Start your MongoDB server by running mongod from the command line. Implement the following routes but have them utilize a database to achieve data persistence.

  • [POST] /users This route should save a new user to the server.
  • [GET] /users This route will return an array of all users.
  • [GET] /users/:id This route will return the user with the matching id (_id on the db document) property.
  • [DELETE] /users/:id This route should delete the specified user.

Extra Credit

Implement a second collection called BlogPosts. Implement the following routes:

  • [POST] /posts This route should save a new blog post to the server.
  • [GET] /posts This route will return an array of all blog posts.
  • [GET] /posts/:id This route will return the blog post with the matching id property.
  • [DELETE] /posts/:id This route should delete the specified blog post. Your user objects can take any form.