
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mobile II


  • FlatList
  • StackNavigator
  • react-navigation
  • axios
  • TextInput
  • static navigationOptions
  • this.props.navigation
  • this.props.navigation.navigate('Route')
  • AsyncStorage (It's like localStorage in the browser but async)


For your assignment you will be creating a mobile application with four views that connects to an api: https://mobile-server-ii.herokuapp.com/

Home: This view will have two buttons. Button one will say Sign In and will navigate the user to the SignIn component. Button two will say Sign Up and will navigate the user to the SignUp component.

SignUp: This view will have two input fields and a button that says Sign Up. The first input field will be for the email. The second input field will be for the password. When the user clicks the Sign Up button you will use axios to make a POST request to /users. If the user successfully signs up then you will navigate the user to the Content component. Be sure to save the JWT token to AsyncStorage.

SignIn: This view will have two input fields and a button that says Sign In. The first input field will be for the email. The second input field will be for the password. When the user clicks the Sign In button you will use axios to make a POST request to /signin. If you receive a valid JWT token then save it to AsyncStorage and then navigate the user to Content. (Example below)

Content: This component will take the JWT token saved to AsyncStorage and will put it on the header of a POST request to /users. The header key is authorization. (Example below) Make this HTTP request from inside of componentDidMount and run it whenever this component is rendered. Once you receive back the list of users from the database then display them using a FlatList component.

Note about JWTs: The API in this project uses JWTs to authenticate its clients. Upon successful authentication you will receive a token from the server. This token needs to be included on all subsequent requests to protected routes. The JWT will look like this:


Make sure that you save the JWT token to AsyncStorage. You will then be able to access this token in the future even if you've closed the app. The token will also be available from any view in your application.

AsyncStorage.setItem('token', response.data.token).then(() => {

Later when you want to make an authenticated request to the API you will need to attach the previously saved JWT like this:

AsyncStorage.getItem('token').then((token) => { // retrieve the token from "localStorage"
  axios.get('https://mobile-server-ii.herokuapp.com/users', {
    headers: {
      authorization: token, // attach the token as a header
  }).then((response) => {
    // Update state in here

Once you complete the basic requirements then work on covering edge cases. A good starting point would be to add another password input to the SignUp component. Notify the user if their second password doesn't match the first. Replace the characters in the password input fields with dots. Show the user an error message if the email they provide is already in the database. If the user provides an incorrect email/password combo display an error message in the SignIn component. Note: Never tell a user that they entered an incorrect password, always say incorrect email or password. This makes it so people can't figure out what emails you have in your database.

API Routes

  • [GET] /users Gets all users. Requires a header authorization and a valid JWT.
  • [POST] /users Creates a user. Requires an object with two properties: email and password. Returns a JWT.
  • [POST] /signin Requires an object with two properties: email and password. Returns a JWT.

Extra Credit

For this assignment you will be creating a todo list that will take advantage of the API you used for the first portion of this project. Once the user has authenticated then you can make requests to the protected routes that control the todo collection in the database.

Address: https://mobile-server-ii.herokuapp.com/


[POST] /users - Requires an email and password property on the body. Returns a JWT and the user's info. Creates a new user in the database.

[POST] /signin - Requires an email and password property on the body. Returns a JWT and the user's info.

[GET] /users - Requires a JWT header called authorization. Returns an array of all users in the database. Useful for debugging.

[GET] /user - Requires a JWT header called authorization. Returns the user that the JWT is associated with.

[POST] /todos - Requires a JWT header called authorization. The body should have a text property that is a String. A new todo item will be added to the user's todos array that's associated with the JWT.

[PUT] /todos/:todoId - Requires a JWT header called authorization. Toggles the specified todo object's completed property to either true or false.

[DELETE] /todos/:todoId - Requires a JWT header called authorization. Removes the specified todo object from the JWT's user's todo's array.

Super Extra Credit

Refactor your application to use Redux.