
A Headless Raspberry Pi Mumble Client with LCD and Channel Control

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

A Headless Mumble Client Based on Raspberry Pi (Intercom)

talKKonnect is a headless self contained mumble Push to Talk (PTT) client with a mobile transceiver form factor complete with LCD, Channel and Volume control. This project is a fork of talkiepi by Daniel Chote. You can find Daniel’s page here http://projectable.me/ Developed to be run on Rasperry Pi 3 b+

Hardware Improvements

Use External Mic and push buttons on the device for Channel Up/Down navigation Has a 4×20 LCD Screen Has a built in Amplifier using the TDA2030 Chip Has a volume adjustment knob Self contained unit with all power supplies built in Female RJ45 connector at the back for network connectivity 4 LEDs that show status such as online, other participants in channel, Transmit Mode and an LED that flashes as there is voice activity

Software Improvements

Colorized LOGS on debugging terminal for events as they happen Can play an alert sound as events happen A Roger Beep like effect that lets the remote party that you have released the PTT button Mutes Speaker when pressing PTT to prevent feedback and give a radio like experience Channel seek LCD with useful information for showing status, channel joined, who is speaking, etc.

Installation Instructions

  1. Go to get the latest version of RASPBIAN LITE at the time of making this document version downloaded was June 2018 Release Date 2018-06-27 Kernel Version 4.14
  2. Download the ZIP file and extract it to get an img file
  3. Use a software on windows called RUFUS to write the image to a SD Card (Becareful don't choose the wrong drive)
  4. After Done Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi 3 b+ connect the screen, keyboard and power supply and boot into the OS.
  5. Log in as user pi password raspberry (this is the default username and password for a fresh install of Raspbian)
  6. Do a sudo passwd root to set the root password
  7. Log out of the account pi and log into the root account with your newly set password.
  8. run raspi-config and expand the file system
  9. Next go to interfacing options and enable ssh server
  10. Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config Change the line #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password to PermitRootLogin Yes and reboot the raspberry pi
  11. Now you should be able to log in remotely via ssh using the root account and continue the installation
  12. adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login --gecos "" mumble
  13. usermod -a -G cdrom,audio,video,plugdev,users,dialout,dip,input,gpio mumble
  14. apt-get install golang libopenal-dev libopus-dev libasound2-dev git ffmpeg omxplayer screen
  15. su mumble
  16. cd /home/mumble
  17. mkdir /home/mumble/gocode
  18. mkdir /home/mumble/bin
  19. export GOPATH=/home/mumble/gocode
  20. export GOBIN=/home/mumble/bin
  21. cd $GOPATH
  22. go get github.com/talkkonnect/gumble
  23. go get github.com/talkkonnect/talkkonnect
  24. cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/talkkonnect/talkkonnect
  25. go build -o /home/mumble/bin/talkkconnect cmd/talkkonnect/main.go

More information can be found at www.talkkonnect.com
