
The code demonstrates various techniques for data analysis, data cleaning, and visualization. The steps involved in the code are explained as follows:

  1. Importing the necessary libraries such as pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, KMeans, apriori, and association_rules.

  2. Loading the dataset (online_retail_II.csv) into a pandas dataframe using pd.read_csv() function.

  3. Data Cleaning and Preparation:

    • Dropping the missing values using dropna() method.

    • Removing the negative quantity values using data[data.Quantity > 0].

    • Converting the date to datetime format using pd.to_datetime().

    • Calculating the total price using the product of the quantity and price and assigning it to a new column TotalPrice.

  4. Exploratory Data Analysis:

    • Creating a bar chart to visualize the top 10 selling products by revenue using the groupby() and agg() methods.

    • Creating a line chart to visualize the sales trend over time by category.

  5. Customer Segmentation using K-means Clustering:

    • Grouping the data by customer ID and calculating the total price and unique invoice values using the groupby() method.

    • Extracting the TotalPrice and Invoice columns and converting them to a numpy array.

    • Implementing K-means clustering algorithm with 3 clusters using the KMeans() method.

    • Assigning the cluster labels to the customers and creating a scatterplot to visualize the customer segments.

  6. Association Rule Mining:

    • Grouping the data by invoice and description and summing the quantities of the items purchased using groupby() method.

    • Unstacking the data and filling the missing values with zero.

    • Applying apriori algorithm on the basket of items with a minimum support of 0.05.

    • Applying association rules on the frequent items with a minimum threshold of 1 and sorting the rules based on their lift values.

  7. Data Visualization:

    • Displaying the charts using method.

This code can be used as an example to analyze similar datasets and demonstrate various techniques for data analysis and visualization.