
Define your API and SPA routes in one place. Use them anywhere. Only 1.6kb.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm npm

Define your API and SPA routes in one place. Use them anywhere.

The Problem

Defining your routes as "magic strings" is messy never a good idea, especially as your app grows. You might have something like this:

// foo.js

// and then again in bar.js

And what if you decide to change your routes? You need to update them all over the place. What if you mistype a route in one place? It can break things and get messy. routeGen fixes all these issues.

The Solution / Basic Usage

Rather than have the "magic strings" all over the place, you can define them in one place and use them everywhere. Need to inerpolate a value into a url? No problem. You can even disable redefining routes after they're exported with the magic lock() method. Grouping certain routes with a prefix and namespace is a breeze with the prefix() method. routeGen is simple, useful and incredibly lightweight at only 1.6kb.

// routes.js
import routeGen from 'routegen';

// all routes will be prefixed with the baseUrl
const routes = routeGen({
  baseUrl: 'http://myapi.test/api',

routes.set('login', '/auth/login'); 
routes.set('get_user_by_id', '/user/{id}');

export default routes;
// some-other-file.js
import http from 'utils/http';
import routes from './routes';

http.post(routes.generate('login'), { data }); // POST => http://myapi.test/api/auth/login
http.generate(routes.generate('get_user_by_id', { id: 1 })); // GET => http://myapi.test/api/user/1

An example with axios

import axios from 'axios';
import routes from './routes';

axios.post(routes.generate('login'), { data }); // POST => http://myapi.test/api/auth/login
axios.generate(routes.generate('get_user_by_id', { id: 1 })); // GET => http://myapi.test/api/user/1


npm i routegen --save



To define sets of routes, simply call import routegen and call it as a function. The only parameter it accepts is an object with a baseUrl.

import routeGen from 'routegen';

const routes = routeGen({
  baseUrl: 'http://myapi.test/api',

You may also define multiple sets of routes:

import routeGen from 'routegen';

const apiRoutes = routeGen({
  baseUrl: 'http://myapi.test/api',

const spaRoutes = routeGen({
  baseUrl: 'http://mysite.test/dasbhboard',

set(key, value)

Pretty straight forward. Set a new route.

routes.set('get_users', '/users');
routes.set('get_user_by_id', '/users/{id}');

generate(key, params = {})

Retrieve a value from the routes.

const routes = routeGen();

routes.set('foo_bar', '/foo/bar');

routes.generate('foo_bar'); // => /foo/bar

Some routes require an interpolated value. For instance, getting a user by id. You can define a route that accepts params and retrieve it with generate().

const routes = routeGen();

routes.set('get_user_by_id', '/user/{id}');

routes.generate('get_user_by_id', { id: 1 }); // GET => /user/1


If you'd like to define your routes in one place and disallow setting any new routes once exported, you may call the lock() method.

const routes = routeGen();

routes.set('foo_bar', '/foo/bar');
routes.set('foo_bar_baz', '/foo/bar/{id}');

export default routes.lock();

Calling lock() returns an api with access only to generate(), and all(). So, the above example could not be modified once imported.

prefix({ path, name })

You may have times where you want to prefix routes with a namespace and/or a path. prefix() allows for just that.

import routeGen from 'routegen';

const routes = routeGen();

routes.prefix({ path: '/auth', name: 'auth' }, {
  login: '/login',
  logout: '/logout',
  register: '/register',

routes.generate('auth_login') // /auth/login
routes.generate('auth_logout') // /auth/logout
routes.generate('auth_register') // /auth/register


If you need a way to retrieve all the routes at once, you may call all().

routes.all().forEach(route => ...)