
Primary LanguagePython


Github repository link: https://github.com/prratadiya/Stweb


This is a payment statistics module which helps to tabulate records such as tutorials submitted by contributors as well as amount payable to them. Made using Django and mySQL database, it is both fast as well as reliable to keep track of payment statistics.


  • You can raise an issue under the issues tab of the github repository. Mention the issue along with the expected output.
  • To raise a pull request(PR) on solving a listed issue, sign it and attach screenshot of the working output. You can raise a PR by forking this repository, working over the forked repository, committing changes and then raising a pull request under the Code section!

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Using the software
  3. Features
  4. Tables structure
  5. Scope for improvement
  6. Contact
  7. License -Remarks


-> Requirements: 1. Python 3.0+ 2. Linux OS(not compulsory)* (*-refer end of file)

-> Installation procedure:

Clone the repository by going into the directory where you want to install the software through terminal and type the command git clone https://www.github.com/prratadiya/Stweb.git This will lead to cloning of code into Stweb directory. (Note: If git is not installed you can do the same by typing the command sudo apt-get install git in Ubuntu)

  1. Go to the directory where you have cloned the repo and activate virtual environment cd Stweb source myvenv/bin/activate

  2. Upgrade pip and install Django version 2.0 pip install --upgrade pip pip install django~=2.0

  3. Install mysql client using the following commands: sudo apt-get install python3-dev sudo apt-get install python3-dev libmysqlclient-dev

    and then pip install mysqlclient

  4. Install mysql server in your PC using the command sudo apt-get install mysql-server You will be prompted to enter a password, enter a password MySQL is now installed which you can check by running the command systemctl status mysql.service which will show active status.

  5. Login into mysql server using mysql -u root -p and enter password. A mysql shell will be started. Create database for our project using CREATE DATABASE project_data;

  6. Update the database settings in the settings.py file located at st_app/settings.py and set the values of NAME, USER, PASSWORD to the database name, user name and password respectively. Restart the server to update the database schema: systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart mysql

  7. Perform migrations into the database using the following commands
    python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate

  8. Create a superuser using the command python manage.py createsuperuser within directory /st_app/

This completes the installation process and you are ready to use the product!

  • Go into the directory where you have cloned the repository: cd directory

  • Activate virtual environment: source myvenv/bin/activate

  • Go into st_app directory and type the command python manage.py runserver

    Server will be initialised at Access this URL through your browser and get the app running!

Note: To access the admin panel, enter the URL You will be asked to enter credentials doing which you will get access to the admin panel

  • Login and signup facility for existing and new contributors
  • Admin login facility on the front end side
  • Facility for admin to assign tutorial as well as foss(for new contributor) on the front end
  • Facility for contributor to upload the tutorial assigned to them
  • List displaying tutorials contributed with expected and actual date
  • List displaying contributions done by a user
  • List displaying total amount payable per contributor
  • SPAM filtering to allow only valid media extension files to be accepted as a tutorial file.

  • There are four tables used - User, Foss, Tutorial_detail, Payment
  • User table is extended from the django user model as abstract user with extra fields name and contributions which store total contributions of a user
  • Foss table has two fields- contributor which is has One-to-One relationship with User, and foss_name which stores the name of the FOSS
  • Tutorial_detail table has following fields: parent_foss which is a foreign key from the foss table; tutorial_name which has the name of the tutorial; tutorial which stores the file of the assigned tutorial; expected_date and actual_date which store the expected dates and actual date of submission for the tutorial object
  • Payment table has two fields- user, which is a foreign key from the user table and amount which stores the amount payable for the respective user

  • Giving user the liberty to chose the month for which they wish to see the concerned lists
  • Improving front end styling of forms and profile pages
  • Payment gateway for admin to pay pending amounts to contributors and subsequent changes in the amount payable columns.


Documentation By: Pratik Rajendra Ratadiya Contact me at: prratadiya@gmail.com Github profile link: https://www.github.com/prratadiya


You are not limited to use my resources. No hidden policies or rules. But a link back to me will be highly appreciated!. Fair and free use of resources is expected.


If you face problems while installation on system other than Linux(Ubuntu,Fedora etc.) like Windows, MacOS feel free to refer the following link: https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/django_installation/