
Implementations of certain web technologies(front end and back end) to solve problems

Primary LanguageHTML


Implementations of common web technologies(front end and back end) to solve problems including:

  1. HTML page to accept user details and storing them in XML file
  2. Simulating registration form and apyment gateway using CSS/JavaScript/JQuery
  3. Using JavaScript to accept student marks and storing them in a table using HTML
  4. Implementing frames using HTML and CSS
  5. Retrieving XML data using JavaScript
  6. Login and Logout modules using jsp. Session control maintained
  7. Food bill generator using JS and JSP
  8. Income tax calculator using Servlets
  9. Managing session variables using Servlets
  10. Simple calculator using AngularJS
  11. Currency conversion using AngularJS
  12. PHP MySQL connectivity to insert data
  13. PHP MySQL connectivity to retrieve data
  14. Demo of Spring Core and Spring Context to create and fetch beans
  15. Demonstrating Spring Dependency Injection
  16. Demonstrating Spring IoC bean