👋 Hi, i m Pratik Sharma 🚀 Full-Stack Developer 🌍 Based in Rajasthan,India 💻 Java | Springboot | SQL | AWS 📚 Open source enthusiast|Lifelong learner
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About The E-commerce API project is designed to support the operations of an online store, providing a comprehensive solution for managing users, products, addresses, and orders. This Spring-based E-commerce API allows you to manage users, products, addresses, and orders for an online store.
About This project, named "Job Search Portal," is an enterprise-ready Spring Boot application designed for managing job listings efficiently. It provides a set of RESTful API endpoints that allow you to perform various operations on job listings, such as adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting job information.
The Restaurant Management Application is a Spring Boot-based web application designed to help manage restaurant information. It allows users to perform various operations related to restaurant management, including adding new restaurants, updating specialties, and deleting restaurants from the system.
This project, named "University Event Management," is a powerful Spring Boot application designed to streamline the organization and coordination of university events and student information. This system features secure data storage using an H2 Database, strict validation checks on student attributes, and efficient endpoints for CRUD operations
The URL Hit Counter is a simple Spring Boot application that allows you to track the number of times a specific URL endpoint has been accessed. It also provides an additional feature to track hit counts for different usernames.
A Spring Boot application that demonstrates best practices in API development, validation, and database interaction Topics user-management user-management-system user-management-api user-management-springboot
About A Spring Boot application that demonstrates best practices in API development, validation, and database interaction