
Brief code on how to using makefiles

Primary LanguageC


Brief code on how to using makefiles Overview We have to create a top directory and four subdirectory inside it. Inside each of the subdirectory and the top directory we have to make Makefile which calls the make file inside each of the subdirectory recursively. Apart from that we were also told to embed the code of different programming language in c. Goals

  1. Code 5 Makefile 1 for the directory and 4 for the subdirectory and recursively call the make file in the subdirectory from the make file in directory.
  2. Embed different programing language in C. Specifications I have created a top directory named Top which has four subdirectory each have a Makefile and also in Top directory as well. In the first subdirectory I have made a C function which calls the C main function Top directory. I have made Python embedded C function in subdirectory 2 again called by Top directory. I have made C++ embedded C function in the third subdirectory and then made a C++ function which is not embedded but called by the Makefile of the original directory. The first three produces one executive file and the last one produces another. Commands I. make run1 It makes the executive file of first three subdirectory file to run and produce output on the terminal. II. make run2** It makes the executive file of the last subdirectory to run and produce output on the terminal.2 III. make clear It clears all the obj/*.o *.exe .so .o to remove from the computer. IV. make Compiles all the directory and subdirectory to make all the object, executive and .so files. V. bash stats.sh For getting a better overview of the program compiled. Important
  3. The location of the header file Python.h is in my Laptop is -I/usr/include/python3.6 -lpython3.6m which is machine specific please have a check on that.
  4. The script uses G++ for compiling for C++ files please look that G++ is installed.
  5. “make clear” command should not be called after “make run2” as it will lead to an error of some file not found as the above command does not need all those files to run,