
run ´npm i´
run ´npm i survey-react´
run ´npm i react-dom react´

Starting the game(On local server):
1. Open two terminals(one in the current directory, one in the {current}/FormsApp directory)
2. Run the command 'npm run start' on both the terminals
3. Open the web browser and got to http://localhost:8080

Adding Scene to the game
1. Follow the same format of input as already given in json files.
2. Once the json file is ready, add an import startment as
    -- import input{n+1} from {location}
3. In preload function add the line
    -- this.load.json('input{n+1}', input{n+1})
4. In the create function then add the line
    -- let input_data_{n+1} = this.cache.json.get('input{n+1}')
5.  After that adding last line, add the following two lines
    -- fmap = new NewMap(this,this.findMat(input_data_{n+1}),this.findData(input_data_{n+1}));
    -- this.Maps.push(fmap);

    Keep in mind to follow the order as already followed in the create function, means,
    line in Instruction(4) is added just after the last similar line is added. Same goes
    for all the lines in the 'game.js'.

Restarting the Server