
Repository for e-Abhyaas, the next generation testing app for the Aakash tablet

Primary LanguageJava


##Repository for e-Abhyaas, the next generation testing app for the Aakash tablet##

Please read the following instructions.

  1. This repository consists of 4 files and 3 directories in total (including this document)
  2. The 7 files are:
    1. e-Abhyaas - SRS.pdf
    2. e-Abhyaas - Presentation.pptx
    3. e-Abhyaas - User Manual.png
    4. e-Abhyaas - Web Interface (Directory)
    5. e-Abhyaas - Invigilator interface on laptop (Directory)
    6. e-Abhyaas - Student interface on Aakash tablet (Directory)
    7. README.md
  3. "e-Abhyaas - Web Interface.zip" should be unzipped and opened with NetBeans. This is the web interface for the teacher to upload questions and for the invigilator to download the various files. NetBeans dependency will be removed soon in the future by giving a war file with sources included.
  4. "e-Abhyaas - Invigilator interface on laptop.zip" should be unzipped and opened with NetBeans. This is the interface for the invigilator's laptop during conduct of the examination. NetBeans dependency will be removed soon and an ant file will be provided.
  5. "e-Abhyaas - Student interface on Aakash tablet.rar" should be unzipped and opened with Eclipse. This is the app for the Aakash tablet. Android apps need to be done in Eclipse so the Eclipse dependency will exist.
  6. "e-Abhyaas - SRS.pdf" is the entire Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) document.
  7. "e-Abhyaas - Presentation.pptx" is a Microsoft Office 2007 & 2010 compatible PowerPoint presentation which was shown in the demonstration on July 5, 2012 in F. C. Kohli Auditorium, KReSIT, IIT Bombay.
  8. "e-Abhyaas - User Manual.png" contains some basic instructions which can be included in the Aakash tablet box.

e-Abhyaas team