
  1. Blacklisted Tokens
  2. Zero amount Reverts
  3. isLiquidatable doesnot account for fees
  4. liquidation should be collecting the latest fees
  5. liquidation reverts when a postion becomes insolvent
  6. liqudation reverts when a position cannot cover the fees
  7. liquidation reverts due to accounting error
  8. liquidation does not prioritize the lowest Loan to value (LTV) asset
  9. liquidation require much gas 10.liquidation does not prioritize the caller fee

make sure the liquidators are incentivised to that they carry out the liquidations in time

  1. liquidations cause users to lose rewards they had accumulated

Always factor in the rewards that users have accumulated so before you delete a position make sure that the position struct does not have any pending rewards to avoid user loss

  1. Users force themselves to be liquidatable
  2. positions in profit can still be liquidatable
  3. ensure no reverts during liquidation

NOTICE All the scenarios above will have a vivid explanation