
Come up with a config (Data Structure) and load a new directory tree from config.

Primary LanguagePython

Problem Statement :

Come up with a config (Data Structure) and load a new directory tree from config. Write a program that does flowing operations on a directory tree. Add a new folder at a particular path in the directory tree. Removed a folder from a particular path in the directory tree. Fetch the path of the given folder. Update name of the folder.

Note: For each folder we should have unique id and name. Also upload the program on github and share the link with README.


  1. pip install pprint
  2. pip install uuid

To run

  1. python main.py

Options while running

  1. Add node -> Add a new node to the data structure bu specifying its immediate parent node and new node name
  2. Delete node -> Enter name of node to be deleted (All of its children are deleted too)
  3. Rename node -> specify new and old name for a node and it gets renamed
  4. Fetch node path -> Beginning from the root node the full path of the node is printed
  5. Print tree -> the tree structure is printed
  6. EXIT > exit program

Edge cases


Used multiple data structures to maintain all info. Edge case 1 - All folders must be uniquely named
soln - could change the whole structure to nested dicts


Used a single more elegant data structure.
Assumption - Fetch Method : Currently printing the first folder which is found in tree.
Potential solutions:

  1. Pass id along ith name and find the specific folder.
  2. Find all folder having that name instead of the first.