
Rust implementation of @Qdrant/fastembed.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rust implementation of @Qdrant/fastembed

Crates.io MIT Licensed Semantic release

🍕 Features

The default model is Flag Embedding, which is top of the MTEB leaderboard.

🔍 Not looking for Rust?

🤖 Models

🚀 Installation

Run the following command in your project directory:

cargo add fastembed

Or add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

fastembed = "3"

📖 Usage

use fastembed::{TextEmbedding, InitOptions, EmbeddingModel};

// With default InitOptions
let model = TextEmbedding::try_new(Default::default())?;

// With custom InitOptions
let model = TextEmbedding::try_new(InitOptions {
    model_name: EmbeddingModel::AllMiniLML6V2,
    show_download_progress: true,

let documents = vec![
    "passage: Hello, World!",
    "query: Hello, World!",
    "passage: This is an example passage.",
    // You can leave out the prefix but it's recommended
    "fastembed-rs is licensed under Apache  2.0"

 // Generate embeddings with the default batch size, 256
 let embeddings = model.embed(documents, None)?;

 println!("Embeddings length: {}", embeddings.len()); // -> Embeddings length: 4
 println!("Embedding dimension: {}", embeddings[0].len()); // -> Embedding dimension: 384

🚒 Under the hood

Why fast?

It's important we justify the "fast" in FastEmbed. FastEmbed is fast because:

  1. Quantized model weights
  2. ONNX Runtime which allows for inference on CPU, GPU, and other dedicated runtimes

Why light?

  1. No hidden dependencies via Huggingface Transformers

Why accurate?

  1. Better than OpenAI Ada-002
  2. Top of the Embedding leaderboards e.g. MTEB


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