
IIT Kanpur firewall authentication launchd agent

IIT Kanpur firewall authentication

LaunchAgent for Mac OS X

This launchd script ensures that the firewall authentication python script (written by sid0) keeps running in the background.
As long as the network is up, launchd will keep the script running. No more “keep this webpage open in the browser” nonsense.


  1. If you haven’t already, get the firewall-auth.py script from http://bitbucket.org/sid0/firewallauth
  2. Put it somewhere nice and don’t move it from that location.
  3. Now, open the in.pratul.firewallauth.plist file.
  4. In it, edit the firewallauth script file location (remember where you put it?), your firewall username, your firewall password and save it.
  5. Copy this plist file to /Users/yourusername/Library/LaunchAgents/
  6. Make a file called .launchd.conf in your home folder. (which is /Users/yourusername/, of course)
  7. Open it and put this line in it and save it:
    load /Users/yourusername/Library/LaunchAgents/in.pratul.firewallauth.plist
  8. Open a terminal, run launchctl.
  9. On the launchd% prompt, type this:
    load /Users/yourusername/Library/LaunchAgents/in.pratul.firewallauth.plist
  10. That’s it. You’re done. launchd will now ensure that you’re always authenticated to the firewall.


If your machine burst into flames, don’t email me at pratul at pratul dot in.